What is the Best Position for a Desk? Using Feng Shui’s Command Position.

One of the most challenging issues for people is how to orient ones desk.  Since I have learned about Feng Shui’s command position, I am very pleased by its results.  The command position states that the item, generally a desk, bed or stove, is located as far from the door, facing the door, and a head against the solid wall. A few years ago at a workplace I switched desk positions and turned the desk to face the entry.  The room was a large room with 5 desks, most facing the wall.  After I moved my desk to face the entry I got a number of positive compliments.  I felt better and was more productive because of a few key factors:

  • I faced the entry, so I could see everyone who was coming into the space
  • My back was against the solid wall thus the energy was more stable and supportive  i.e. didn’t go out the window or the door
  • I could communicate easily with my co-workers and not have to turn my head; but they had to turn their heads
  • My view was out the window at the great scenery

Overall my desk was in the power/command position in the room; i.e. farthest from the door, back against solid wall, facing the entry which contributed greatly to my success and productivity.  I recommend  everyone to find their command position in the room and orient your desk in this way.  You will be amazed at the positive results.

Feng Shui Desk Location

To Your Success,

Candee Pearson


For more Feng Shui Tips for Wealth & Success: http://www.fivestarfengshui.wordpress.com

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